4 Reasons to Join Hackster’s Online Community

by | Sep 14, 2017 | Hardware

If you’ve had that Pi sitting around in your workshop for months now and you want to start on a new project, then look for Raspberry Pi beginners’ projects to give you a good idea of what you can do. Lifewire provides a handy list that includes custom cases, wearables and others. Want more? Here’s how joining an online community like Hackster can help:

You’re relatively new

If you’ve never worked with a Raspberry Pi before but you’re interested in starting on those projects, then this online community of programmers and hardware makers is a goldmine for you.

You need help

You won’t just get to see those projects; the platform makes it easy for you to get in touch with like-minded members as well. If you have a couple of Raspberry Pi beginners’ projects in mind but need help, you can reach out to other members of the community. Whether you need answers or just want to bounce off some ideas, joining a community like this can help you fine-tune your ideas.

You want friends

It’s tough to be a Raspberry hobbyist when you’re the odd man out. By joining a community like this, you can find people who speak your language. It’s like becoming a part of a network. Suddenly, you don’t feel out of step anymore.

You’ll have fun

The best part of joining the community? You’ll have fun. Meeting other programmers or hardware makers who believe in the potential of the Pi to provide powerful solutions—the same way you do—can spur you on to act on your ideas and push you to finally get started on a project. That’s motivation and drive, the kind that can spring up from meeting the right people. If you want to do great things, finding and building your Hack squad is an excellent start.

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